Every change is associated with both curiosity and uncertainty. The first day in a new job is an important event and stress source for everyone. In order to settle in a certain environment and feel really at ease, we need to stay in it for at least several weeks – depending on our temperament or previous experiences. […]
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Putting a child in a nursery or kindergarten usually makes parents emotional. From now on, someone else will be able to influence the development and education of our toddler. In addition, for many hours we will let our children out of our sight, trusting that someone will take care of them as much as we do. […]
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Love is the biggest emotional need of each child. It conditions our understanding and contacts with children. Physical needs are easier to see and fulfilled. However, it is the ability to provide love that gives satisfaction and transfers to child’s health and its mental and emotional development. Then how to show and accept love? An […]
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