Children learn their first language naturally through interaction with caregivers. With the right upbringing, care, and education, they can simultaneously acquire a second language. Bilingualism is the ability to communicate in two languages. Are there benefits to bilingualism? Modern research shows that raising a child in a bilingual environment comes with numerous advantages, both in intellectual and emotional […]
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Starting school in first grade is a significant milestone in a child’s life. The transition from preschool to primary school involves a major change, both emotionally and intellectually. Parents often wonder if their child is ready for this step. How can school readiness be recognized? School readiness is a topic that raises many questions, so it is worth taking […]
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The start of the school year, especially for first graders and their parents, is a time full of emotions, impressions, questions, and new experiences. Transitioning from preschool to primary school is a significant change for children – not only due to the new environment but also because of changes in daily routines, educational requirements, and learning methods. […]
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