Stress-free but consistent. The parent must show great patience and understanding. A child, especially a small one, does not understand the sudden change that parents are trying to make – and in the understanding of the child, they believe the change is for the worse. If you’ve always fallen asleep in your parents’ bed, going to sleep on your own in your crib can be scary. The key to successfully teaching your baby to fall asleep on their own is to understand and respect their emotions. This is certainly not the time for nerves. This is the time for consistent little steps that will not only show the child what it means to fall asleep independently but above all show them that falling asleep on their own is not scary, stressful and unpleasant. Effective ways to fall asleep on your own are evening patterns developed together with your child, including quiet play, dinner, bath, gentle massage, reading a book, dimmed light. The evening routine is conducive to building closeness and a sense of security, and then it is much easier for the child to fall asleep on his own. Try to remember the following: Make your baby is silent before bedtime. Avoid dynamic games with the toddler in the evening, read in a low voice, choose a book with a calm storyline.
Talk to your older toddler about what has happened recently. Perhaps there is something that disturbs the child, that worries, stresses him/her. Check if your baby is comfortable. Maybe an uncomfortable mattress prevents the toddler from sleeping, too hot bedding, pyjamas irritating to the skin, too warm in the room. A good temperature for falling asleep is 20–22ºC. Try to calm down yourself. If you keep waking up every so often to check if the baby is asleep, it will pick away from your successful sleep. Mum’s anxiety or dad’s anxiety affects the child.
We invite all of you to an individual meeting with the headteacher. This will be a great opportunity to find out about our educational offer, ask questions, and visit the kindergarten. You can book one visit for a given day.