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KIDS&Co. 14 October 2021 2 minutes of reading

Mindfulness is a state of mind, achieved by focusing attention on the present moment, and at the same time gently receiving and accepting emotions, thoughts and sensory impressions. It is used as a therapeutic technique. Since now, the method has been used with adults.

Forms of meditation specifically for children were also invented. This meditation had three basic conditions: it must be short, engaging and fun. And that is what mindfulness exercises for children should be.

The world of children is full of stimuli, noise and changes. Nowadays, easy access to technology on the one hand offers many opportunities, but on the other hand it can be harmful to the young children. Practising mindfulness with children helps to reduce the stress and negative emotions that accumulate during the day. Such games improve concentration and the ability to remember.

The modern world is colourful, noisy and fast-paced. Children have to adjust to it — gradually losing admiration for everyday things and often getting lost in the rush of emotions. That is why it is worthwhile from time to time to practise mindfulness with the little ones — which is being present in the moment. Various types of games are used for practising this: breathing, comparing sounds, feeling taste, touch, tensing and relaxing the body or listening to one’s own heartbeat. These exercises engage child’s curiosity, improve senses and allow children to see things from a different view. Use the knowledge of your child and his or her interests — whether he or she likes listening to music, cooking or experimenting — as a basis for play. To get children to be more involved in the games, do the exercises with them!

Mindfulness actually works! It helps children to concentrate, improves their memory, above all it gives them a good foundation to build up their self-confidence and to develop the inner competences necessary to cope with everyday challenges.  Knowing how to live in harmony with oneself, with one’s needs, values and desires, and with respect for one’s own body language, is irreplaceable anytime, anywhere.

We want our children to be healthy and happy. Mathematical, physical or linguistic knowledge is worthless if a small person cannot cope with his/her own sadness, anger or bad thoughts. Therefore, it is worth getting acquainted with the practice of mindfulness and feel its beneficial effects.


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