Our toddler’s immunity is determined by many factors, and for the most part, we can have a great influence on it. The main factor is our child’s diet, essentially meaning all the meals we provide them during the day. Although we tend to find that children often don’t like the taste of vegetables, it is important to include them in our daily meal plans. Other, important products that should be included in the diet of our child are fresh fruit, lean meats, dairy products in various forms, groats and rice, fatty fish, nuts, and various types of whole-grain products. The amount of fluids consumed is just as important, as they affect the general condition and degree of hydration of the child’s mucous membranes. It is worth remembering to try to serve primarily pure water, without artificial additives and sugar and to take care of the amount we take in, especially when the outdoor temperature is low. Movement is also a key factor, especially being outside in the open air. Finally, we must not forget to rest. As important as the amount of sleep we get is, the quality of that sleep is vital. Only a rested, regenerated body will be able to cope with everyday challenges and infections. Building a strong immune system is a continuous process that doesn’t stop throughout a person’s life. Strengthening our child’s immunity should take place comprehensively, on many levels. If we are not sure how to behave in a specific situation, or if our efforts do not bring visible results, it is worth using the help of a doctor. The combination of his knowledge and daily efforts will surely bring positive changes.
We invite all of you to an individual meeting with the headteacher. This will be a great opportunity to find out about our educational offer, ask questions, and visit the kindergarten. You can book one visit for a given day.