How to help our children to grow joyfully? How to encourage them to explore the world, to discover their unique talents and at the same time how to teach them to cope with defeat and criticism? How to make our children willingly take part in the activities that reinforce their interests, but not push them to fulfill parental ambitions and plans?
Simply let’s follow the child’s need, not the vision of the “baby genius”. Let our child be creative and happy on his own childish way. Let’s give him a chance to develop his own motivation. A child is a small but unique person. Therefore, he should fulfill his own ambitions, not the ambitions of his parents. Our role as the parent is to discreetly control the child’s activity, to teach him regularity and consistency in action. But not at any price.
Most often mistakes made by ambitious parents:
Although it is not easy, let’s try to follow the principle of the golden mean. Try not to overwhelm your child with the requirements but praise him for even the smallest success and thus develop his healthy self-acceptance.
Dear Parents, stay close to your children, spend time together, playing and relaxing. You will provide them with a sense of security and build a positive bond for the future.
We invite all of you to an individual meeting with the headteacher. This will be a great opportunity to find out about our educational offer, ask questions, and visit the kindergarten. You can book one visit for a given day.