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What does a successful holiday mean?

KIDS&Co. 3 June 2024 8 minutes of reading
What does a successful holiday mean?

What does a successful holiday mean? The definition will probably depend on whether we ask children or parents about it. For toddlers, holidays are primarily a carefree time and a ton of fun from morning to evening. For parents, it is often a period of increased vigilance and the need to organize time so that children are not only satisfied but, above all, safe. What should you keep in mind and what to consider to make the holidays fun for parents as well?

Summer rest is associated primarily with pleasures and a whole lot of free time – but there are also risks. However, they can be avoided, and you need to prepare well and approach the holiday with caution. It is also worth talking to your child and establishing a code of basic rules before leaving. This will save us nerves, and we will remember the summer with pleasure, not with tension.

Caution! Sun!

Throughout the year, we look forward to summer and long, sunny days. It’s a great joy to bask in the warmth – but let’s do it in moderation and sensibly. There are three basic rules for sun exposure: sunscreen, head covering, and moderation.

These rules are fundamental to remember when it comes to young children whose delicate skin is particularly sensitive to the sun’s rays and whose bodies are more vulnerable to overheating.

For this reason, you should make sure that before leaving the house on a hot day, you apply a cream with a UV filter to protect the skin. Even when the day is cloudy or the toddler will not be exposed directly to sunlight. For younger children, a cream with SPF 50 will be suitable. For slightly older children, we can use a cream with SPF 50 at the beginning of the holiday, and after a few days, when the skin gets used to it, change it to a cream with SPF 30. Cream application should be repeated approximately every two hours. It is also worth putting a scarf, cap or hat on your child. Moderation is very important – it is better to avoid being in full sun between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., cool down and stay in the shade. The day is long and can be organized so that the little ones are not exposed to overheating and, as a result, stroke.

Holiday menu – what to eat and drink in hot weather

In summer, we eat a little differently. The foundation of the holiday diet should be light, nutritious dishes based on seasonal vegetables and fruits and, of course, large amounts of appropriate drinks. A diet for hot weather should be composed in such a way as to properly hydrate us and our children, cool them down, but at the same time nourish them so that they do not run out of energy for holiday madness. We have a huge range of possibilities, and every toddler, even the “fussy eater”, will surely choose something from this list!

We can bet on delicious sandwich spreads, homemade cottage cheese, fruit or cold soups, baked fish, colourful salads or healthy cocktails. We can boil new potatoes, asparagus or broad beans and serve strawberries, raspberries, currants or cherries for dessert. And, of course, ice cream! It is worth trying the flavours known from our childhood: rice or pasta with fruit sauce. Probably every child will be tempted by a savoury tortilla or pancakes with fruit toppings. We have a whole range of vegetables and fruits at our disposal – there are not so many of them at any time of the year! Instead, we should avoid sweets, cream cakes or ice cream from an unreliable source.

The best way to quench your thirst is to use a homemade isotonic drink: water with lemon and a little salt. Instead of juices, let’s bet on herbal tea or water with additives – we can put everything our children like in it – lemons, oranges, strawberries or watermelon. A little honey or mint will add flavour to it. It is also good to serve compote, which quenches thirst well. Don’t avoid yoghurts, kefir or sour milk – it’s also a good idea for hot days. Remember that preschool children should drink at least 1.5 liters of fluids a day.

Safe holidays by the water

Relaxation by the lake or the sea is a great opportunity for children to have real water madness. However, it is worth approaching the subject with caution and imagination, especially in the case of smaller children who require constant care and attention by the water. Even if it seems to us that the bathing area is safe and shallow – you always have to keep your eyes around your head by the water.

In addition, when with children, you should swim only in designated places, preferably at guarded swimming areas, under the supervision of a lifeguard. Splashing on such a beach will certainly be safer than on a wild beach. What other rules of relaxation by the water should you remember?

  • Stay in the water with your child. Never take your eyes off your little one, not even for a moment – even if they’re wearing armbands or a floatation device. Even a simple accident in shallow water can result in drowning.
  • After eating, the child must wait half an hour before entering the water.
  • The child should enter the water gradually – a hot toddler can experience a thermal shock if he runs or jumps into the water suddenly.
  • Control the amount of time your baby spends in the water – blue lips or “goosebumps” are a signal that it’s time to finish bathing and warm your baby.
  • Make sure your child drinks regularly.
  • Use sunscreen every time you get out of the water.
  • Do not allow your child to jump off the pier, especially in an unfamiliar place.
  • When using floating equipment, always put on a life jacket for yourself and your child.

Mountains with caution – safe holidays in the mountains

Holidays in the mountains with children can also be a fantastic adventure. Contact with nature, beautiful views, climbing challenges and unique mountain air are the perfect way to go on holiday together. What is worth remembering to make your mountain stay safe and provide us with only good memories?

First of all, it is worth teaching children not only love but also respect for the mountains. To make them aware that reckless behavior can end tragically and to explain that the mountains are not a place for madness. Explain that it is absolutely necessary to listen to parents and not to stray from the trails. The mountains are also characterized by extremely changeable weather – you should take this into account when planning hikes and always have clothes with you for possible cold or rain. The length and difficulty of trips should be adjusted to the age of the youngest member of the family – for now, it is mainly about making the toddler like the mountains. The time will come to conquer ambitious peaks.

Below is our list of rules for safe holidays in the mountains:

  • Appropriate footwear and clothing – ankle-holding shoes (not sandals or flip-flops), comfortable clothing and a spare jacket or sweatshirt – in the mountains, the weather changes in a second. It is worth dressing in layers because mornings are much colder.
  • A hat or headscarf is mandatory – in the higher parts, the sun is really hot, and there is a risk of stroke.
  • It’s a good idea to have a survival kit “just in case” – a first aid kit, a flashlight, a map, matches and a compass.
  • Pack a supply of water and high-energy snacks.
  • It is best to go to the mountains early in the morning because the weather usually deteriorates in the afternoon.
  • Before setting off on a trip, you should always check the weather and the route – thanks to this, you will know the degree of difficulty and the approximate time of walking a given trail.
  • It is worth writing down the numbers of the nearest GOPR facilities on your phone;

Regardless of whether we are planning a short or long trip, whether to the sea, lake or mountains, it is worth keeping in mind the youngest members of our team and adjusting our holiday plans to them. Too much intensity of trips or too long time in the sun will make the child tired and dissatisfied instead of resting and playing. And every parent knows what it means to be a too-tired and overstimulated toddler. Therefore, first of all, it is worth taking common sense and imagination with you on vacation. 😊

Let’s meet!

We invite all of you to an individual meeting with the headteacher. This will be a great opportunity to find out about our educational offer, ask questions, and visit the kindergarten. You can book one visit for a given day.


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