To every question asked the child responds NO — sometimes they can change their mind and say YES after a while, but the first one is always NO. It tends to be quite amusing for parents who have already passed this stage of ‘negativity’ with their child. NO, although it is not the first word spoken by a child, it can quickly become their favourite is easier from a speech therapy point of view to pronounce the word NO rather than YES. What can be done: With a firmly communicated “no” it is worth looking for a “yes”. Behind all of our behaviours and actions, there is always positive intentions — although we may not always see it in that way. Any “no” can be interpreted as a “yes” to something else. Try to use an alternative to the word NO and think twice before saying NO to your child. If the matter is clearly settled in advance, do not give your child a choice, do not ask, but clearly communicate that, for example, if you have a walk planned. Don’t give orders. Stay calm. Your nervousness affects a child’s ability to control anger. Notice and point out positive behaviour. The more a child experiences situations in which he has a chance to decide for himself, the less often he will feel the need to deny your opinion or your requests.
We invite all of you to an individual meeting with the headteacher. This will be a great opportunity to find out about our educational offer, ask questions, and visit the kindergarten. You can book one visit for a given day.